
Reka is built as an experimental state management system for Craft.js, a library for building drag-and-drop page builders.

At the core of Craft.js is the EditorState which is a simple implicit tree data structure that represents the current state of the page that's being built by the end user:

"ROOT": {
type: "div",
props: {},
nodes: ["node-a"],
"node-a": {
type: "Button",
props: {
text: "Hello World!"
nodes: []
// The above state can be rendered in React like so:
<Button text="Hello World" />

Then, with Craft.js, you could build UIs that allows your end-user to add new elements, change elements props etc — and all that does is simply mutate the EditorState and in turn, the rendered result in React gets updated as well.


The original goal for building Craft.js was to build a library that could help developers to create any sort of page builder regardless of the complexity required. More complex page builders typically allow end-users to build complete UI components.

Let's first take a look at a simple UI component in React:

const posts = [...];
const MyComponent = (props) => {
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
return (
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
props.enabled && <p>I'm enabled!</p>
counter > 0 && (
<h2>I'm non-negative!</h2>
{ => <h2>{}</h2>)
onClick={() => {
setCounter(counter + 1);

A React component is able to do the following:-

  • Render an HTML output based on the props given
  • Supports JS expressions
  • Hold stateful values
  • Render an element conditionally based on an expression
  • Iterate through an array and render an element multiple times for each item in the array

So, a more complete page builder would be one that allows the end-user to essentially build UI components as a developer would write a React component. In essence, this would mean a page builder would be a code editor but with UI abstractions.

Currently, Craft.js' EditorState essentially stores the template of a single App component and allows end-users to reorder elements, and mutate static prop values of each element in the state. However, much of what's possible with writing React code as listed above is not easily replicable with Craft.js.

Reka is intended to replace the internal state management system of Craft.js to support the above features; while Craft.js itself would continue to provide higher-level functionalities for page builders such as drag-n-drop.

Made with by @prevwong
Reka is released under the MIT license